WHSOM Leadership



My relationship with Jesus Christ is my first love and passion. Next, comes my ministry to my family and then to those who are struggling with strongholds and addictions. I am a Marine Corps Veteran and have been in the recovery ministry for 14 years. I am a graduate of Teen Challenge where I also served as both Executive Director and Regional Director, helping oversee four centers. I hold the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration from Urbana University. I have been married for 8 years and have two amazing daughters. My hobbies include preaching the Word, working out, running and fishing.



My highest honor in life is being rightly related to The Father through my faith and identity in Jesus Christ. I have been radically delivered from sin and strongholds. My greatest passion is to see others walk in freedom. I am first a son, then a husband, and lastly a father. I have been in ministry for 12 years and have vowed to never sacrifice my marriage or family on the altar of ministry. I am a life-long learner, and my hobbies include spending time with my family, working out, and preaching the truth of God’s Word. I hold Master of Arts and Master of Divinity degrees from Liberty University.

Juanell Gallo

Each day I am identified as a daughter of God and I am grateful to be able to live my life as an expression of my relationship with The Father. I have been in ministry for a total of 12 years, and I am honored to be called a teacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   When I teach, my heart is to impart a deeper love for the Word of God and a hunger to seek out the hidden mysteries of the Kingdom. I am amazed at the continual demonstrations of God’s goodness and faithfulness that I see every day! God has blessed my life in so many incredible ways, including giving me two wonderful daughters, and the man who has inspired and encouraged me to go far in ministry and is also the love of my life, my husband.


Terry Johnson

I have spent 43 years in the field of education as a teacher and as a counselor. Although this time was spent in public education, I have always strived to conduct my affairs from a Biblical world view. Education has always been the great equalizer in life.

I believe God loves us just the way we are, but loves us too much to let us stay that way. Our journey is one in which transformation is required in order to reach wholeness with Him.

 I teach in order to effect change—and thus, change leads to personal and spiritual growth and maturity. It begins with redemption and ends with intimacy with our Savior.


Terry holds both Bachelor of Arts and Master of Science degrees.

Kenny Ball

My name is Kenny Ball. I am originally from the Tampa Bay Area but now live locally in Sevier County. I’ve been blessed with an amazing wife of 3 years and have 3 beautiful children. Some of my hobbies include reading the word and studying business development but my passion is raising up spiritually sound headstrong sons and daughters!!!